Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Back on Track! What a Nice Workout Can do For Your Diet & Spirits!

Last night I took an hour walk with a friend, and by the time I got back I felt refreshed and ready to get back on track with my diet. All the damage I had done has already started to melt away. I put a few pounds back on when my back problems were aggravated and I was unable to work out for eight days. But today I woke up only 2 lbs heavier than when I was working SO HARD. All it took was a little kick start.

I think I'll sign up for pilates for tomorrow night!

19 lbs to lose
4 lbs down
15 to go!!!

-- Kristin

Monday, September 24, 2012

My Low-Fat Recipe (for the crockpot)

I tried this last week. My friend Stephanie, itty-bitty little thing, gave it to me. This is my version.

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 medium jar of salsa (if you like spicy, go hot - we did mild so my little girls would eat it)
1 packet taco seasoning
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
1 green pepper, thinly sliced

Mix all ingredients except onion and pepper and set crockpot for about six hours (medium low). With about 2 hours left, add onions and peppers. When it's all done, shred the chicken and drain excess juice (with a collander - we didn't need to do this) - serve on lettuce for a chicken taco salad or on tortillas for a chicken fajita. My husband put the leftovers on nachos and that was delicious.

I think I will make it once a week! It's that yummy.

-- Kristin

Horrible pain equals Horrible scale!

For the past seven days my back pain has become unbearable. I have eaten BAD foods to feel better...  boy did that backfire. I am afraid to get on the scale!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Snack on This!

You won't fail if you're not perfect; you'll fail if you're not committed to improving yourself slightly each day. 

My sister is getting married, and she, too, is trying to shed some vanity pounds. She's very thin, but has always been tiny and wants to be tiny again for the big day. She told me drinking milk makes her feel more full. So it keeps her from snacking as much.. She said, snack on this:

A Shake with protein powder and any of the following ingredients: pudding oatmeal, yogurt, peanut butter

- Amanda (via Kristin)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Football FAT Follies - Fooey!

UGH! How do you eat NFL Sunday football snacks without consuming a gazillion calories? I wish I knew.

We tried to do wings today (and ooooh were they delicious), but couldn't get the skin off the little pieces. We smoked and grilled them and tossed them in low-fat (but not low sugar) sauces. Still, I know they're loaded with fat. I'm struggling and having a LOT of back pain so I'm unable to work out with any kind of impact. In fact, I was told the only thing I can do right now is walk.

I'M SO FRUSTRATED! I take one step forward and 3 steps back. On the plus side, at least I'm attempting to take the step forward. If I didn't try ... it would be worse.

GOAL FOR TOMORROW: When the girls nap, I'm going to look up low-fat appetizers for next Sunday. I will add them to the shopping list and NOT buy chips and dip for the games.

BTW: the wing sauce recipe I found was this

3/4 cup honey
3 tbsp soy sauce (I used low sodium)
1 tbsp garlic

It was awesome. I am going to use the recipe on baked chicken breast this week.

19 lbs to lose total
Not sure where I am because I'm afraid to step on the scale tonight

- Kristin

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Working out with pain

I get sick of walking, and I cannot run. So I use my elliptical machine. I had immediate pain, shooting up my hips and into my shoulder blade area.
How am I to lose weight if I can't work out?

3 lbs down
16 to lose

I hate yoga but I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet. Ugh!!!

A big step back

My mother-in-law was in town, and we tend feed people like they've never eaten before. So we pigged out, ate out and drank too much wine. She left today so I have to get back to working out.
It's amazing how much damage you can do in just 4 days! Hopefully it will come back off as quickly as it came on.
3 lbs lost
16 to go...  bummer

Monday, September 3, 2012

Seafood can be low fat

The hubby and I had a date last night. We went to Tony's Bourbon Street Oyster Bar. We usually get a peck of oysters. Last night we got two, clams and a couple appetizers. I really tried not to over butter the food. Seafood just gives me another low-fat option. Too bad I had four drinks, too. I can only be so good.

Tony's, by the way, is our go-to dinner place. When in doubt, go to Tony's. I've never had a bad meal there. Yum!

4 lbs lost
15 lbs to go

It was so yummy it was worth it!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Cheated a bit and still down!

The important thing isn't that I NEVER eat sweets or fat but that I watch what I eat and exercise consistently. I had a chicken salad sandwich for lunch but resisted the soda and cupcakes! Off to work out now.

6 pounds lost
13 to go

-- Kristin

Monday, August 27, 2012

Resisting the Ice Cream: I did good!

Sometimes you're dieting successfully when you didn't eat three helpings of Hamburger Helper and a carton of ice cream!

By that standard, I guess today was a success. I carefully dished up my portions and stopped before I was busting at the seams. I couldn't exercise tonight, as I had horrible back pain. But I went to physical therapy, did a lot of stretching and will hit the floor for 20 push-ups before bed. Yes, I can do push-ups without back pain. Also, the water weight is just sliding off. I am looking thinner already even though I haven't lost enough to "show."

(2 minute delay)
YIPPEE!!! I just stepped on the scale, if I don't eat something bad for me before I go to sleep, I should wake up at least one more pound lighter.

-- Kristin

Finding Weight-Loss Buddies!

Found this online this morning and LAUGHED
so hard I burned 30 calories.

You're not alone! I want to lose with you. I'm a competitive person, so I like to race people to the finish line. In this case, there is no finish line. I'm tired of losing-gaining-losing-gaining ... I want to lose forever and stay fit, happy and healthy. Several women my age, mid-30s, will be contributing to this blog. Why? I am going to fall off the wagon here and there, and I'm hoping they'll pick me up when I do. And I'd like to return the favor to them if I can.

Also, I walked 30 minutes yesterday and spent 35 minutes on the elliptical. That's about as much as I can do, due to my back problem. I am drinking my water and working as hard as I can to reduce the fat in my recipes, from rinsing (not just draining) the grease off the ground burger in my recipes to substituting egg beaters and ground turkey and chicken to other recipes.

FYI- I have degenerative disc disease and chronic, acute pain because of that and some instability from my stretched SI (sacroiliac) ligaments from back-to-back pregnancies. Running is out of the question as well as many other things I love to do (volleyball, basketball, etc.). I have to lose weight, for the first time in my life, with low-impact exercises. Any advice is more than welcome!!!

PROGRESS: 4 lbs down, 15 to go!

Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality. -- Ralph Marston

-- Kristin

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nothing works better than Success!

Thought I was doing HORRIBLE. Turns out I've lost almost 4 pounds!

Went to another party today, but my success kept me from cheating as badly. I didn't eat any cake. All I could think about what my scale and how good it felt to see the pounds coming off.

I am getting off the computer and going for a walk!

4 down, 15 to go. Yay me!!!

Raspberry Ketones - doing the research

I'm researching Raspberry ketones. I've heard it can be really useful in weight loss, but only as a booster. I am a eat-right & exercise kinda girl anyway. But I wonder if this can give me a kick start. I'm really struggling to make progress.

Back in the bad habits

Had a birthday party for my little girl yesterday. That means hot dogs, cheeseburger, cake, chips ... the list goes on.

I have to get back on track today. NO MORE BAD HABITS. Of course, my husband pulled out hamburger meat for chili. Any suggestions on how I make chili lower fat with 80/20 beef? Ha ha ha - looks like I'm outa luck.

If I don't eat right, I have to work out. Think I'll go for a walk in the morning and jump on the eliptical tonight. It's hard to work out with the small children. How am I ever going to do this?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hard Candy Can Help

Tootsie Rolls and Hard Candy help with my cravings. You just have to make sure you only eat 1 or 2! Hard candy is fat free but not sugar free. And weight watchers, three tootsie rolls are 1 point (on the old system).

These two treats always help me -- in moderation of course.

-- Kristin

Don't do it!

My last post included my crepe recipe with some amendments. UGH! DON'T DO IT. Terrible.

It's one thing to use whole wheat flour. It's another to use eggwhites or eggbeaters. NASTY.

I would go with this:

Thin Pancakes
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup skim milk
dash salt
2 eggs
1 tbsp butter (you can probably cut the butter a bit - but the original recipe calls for 2 tbsp butter)

That's still pretty tasty, but certainly not lowfat.

Mind over Fatter

They say if you do something every day for 21 days, it becomes a habit. I believe it! It's worked for past diets. But OH that first 21 days can be rough. Since I'm on day 4, it's still so hard.

I'm going to make the girls breakfast - pancakes of course - and I am trying so hard not to eat their food. Maybe I'll substitute wheat flour on their crepes this a.m. and I can eat with them? OH, and use egg whites instead??? Hmmm, let's see how that goes.

1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup skim milk
2 eggs (sub - 6 tbsp egg whites)
1 tbsp butter (gonna half it today and see how it goes)
dash salt

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So hungry, want a snack

I'd kill for an ice cream sandwich. So I'll step on the scale and remind myself what I'm doing. Then I'll decide what I'm going to eat.

Maybe this will help. I am soooo hungry. What should I eat at 9:30 p.m. that won't go to my hips? Yogurt, cereal, more water, chocolate milk?

Decisions, decisions ...

Day 3 - No Cheating & A Short Walk

A couple days ago I starting my journey. My sister gets married in March in Florida & her bridesmaids are gorgeous, thin, and almost model like. I am not. I am the real deal and will never be "skinny." But I can be in better shape pretty easily.

So I have 19 pounds to lose in 7 months. I am on day 3, and I've already lost two pounds. It's not always going to be easy, I have a horrible back problem that keeps me from doing most of my normal exercises. I cannot run or play volleyball anymore.

But I'm going to do it! Watch me!