Friday, April 5, 2013

An exercise I can do without hurting my back

So, my husband bought me a recumbent bike after Christmas, which is something my physical therapist said I could use any time. I bought it off craigslist and credit that bike for at least 80% of my weight loss. It isn't just the calorie but, but it keeps me from falling off the wagon with the food, too.

I know it will all have gone in vain if I eat like a pig or really unhealthy. Why exercise at all if you're not going to try to eat right and help it along!

I am happy to say I hit my original goal weight of 155 pounds, but I realize there is more toning and weight loss to be had, so I readjusted my goal to 149 pounds. I am struggling a bit, but it will come. I am not 153 pounds and have been as low as 152. I am going to do it!

After I hit 149, my goal will be to look good in a bikini. Those tank-inis make me feel old!

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